IFS supervision

Dick Schwartz (the founder of IFS)  has authorised me as a IFS supervisor for both indiviudals and groups.  Call me for more information..See what my Swedish supervisees wrote about me below after a recent trip to Gotland! “The work with Bruce has given us all a new angel of approach in our work. Moreover, Bruce’s contribution has given us a lot of understanding both in our sessions with him and in our work with each other, as well as the feedback which we got from him. Furthermore, we spent most of our time in engaging in discussions about the IFS in our free time throughout the whole 3 day period of the course, which helped us in gaining a better understanding of the method. Bruce’s guidance and supervision has been a great help and inspiration to us all. He has also been attentive to our weaknesses and encouraged our strengths. Bruce has helped us to synchronise the body, mind and feeling in our work. We are looking forward to receiving more supervision from Bruce in the future.”Bo, Margareta and Mahnaz in Sweden.

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