The key to the heart…

Uncategorised Oct 24, 2019

I went to talk to a 10 yr old boy who had nearly strangled someone. His mother was screaming at me, ‘My son does not have mental health problems!’  I said, well we all do, and asked the boy, ‘What sort of animal is your anger ? He said, ‘Its a lion that kills its prey!’  Later he told me,’the lion and me think differently – he goes boo and I go eek!  Out of the mouths of babes…  I went on Radio 4 to talk about this on a programme about knife crime – my heart sank as they brought in someone else who said all psychologising is a waste of time – kids who are violent only understand firm handling. But listening to the programme later found out Dominic Grieve (Shadow Home Sec) and the presenter from the Centre  for Crime & Justice at Kings College had really liked it